Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Give Birth

What good is it to me if this birth
 of the divine Son takes place unceasingly
 but does not take place in myself? 
What good is it to me if Mary
 is full of grace but I am not?
 What good is it for me
 for the creator to give birth 
if I do not also give birth to him
 in my time and my culture? 
This is the fullness of time, 
when the son of God is begotten in us.
Meister Eckhart (15th century mystic)

If You Want

If you want,
the virgin will come walking down the road
pregnant with the holy, and say,
 “I need shelter for the night, please take me inside your heart,
my time is close.”
Then, under the roof of your soul,
you will witness the sublime
intimacy, the divine Christ
taking birth forever, as she grabs your hand for help,
for each of us is the midwife of God, each of us.

Yes, there under the dome of your being does creation comes into existence
Eternally through your womb,
Dear pilgrim---
the sacred womb in your soul, as God grabs our arms for help;
for each of us is his beloved servant never far.
                           St. John of the Cross

The Risk of Birth, Christmas, 1973

This is no time for a child to be born,
With the earth betrayed by war & hate
And a comet slashing the sky to warn
That time runs out & the sun burns late

That was no time for a child to be born,
In a land in the crushing grip of Rome;
Honor & truth were trampled by scorn –
Yet here did the Saviour make his home.

When is the time for love to be born?
The inn is full on planet earth,
And by a comet the sky is torn –
Yet Love still takes the risk of birth.

Madeleine L’Engle

Hope starts small as a seed in the womb. All God needs is a willing womb, a place of safety, nourishment and love. Miryam offered all of these ---space, love, and belief. God requires only a small space, a womb or a lowly manger to be born. What are you offering this season of Epiphany? How can creation come into existence through your womb, dear pilgrim? What new birth, what new way of being is seeking to be born in your soul this new year? Is this not the fullness of time for us all because the world can't wait, because God needs us--- is grabbing our hand? Are you willing to risk?

From God’s fullness
we all receive room.
Life and light---
divine access and grace filled flesh
belong to us all.
We give thanks for the Word
who assures us that the light
will never be overcome by darkness.

May this light
widen our vision.
May we become
welcoming fires
in empire’s shadows.
May we see how
the story of God
invites our participation.
May we live Christmas all year long.

family gathered around a fire
 in their bombed out home in Gaza, 2012

An Arabic Christmas Carol (Byzantine Hymn of the Nativity)

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